Artist's Biography:
Scott Kolbo was born in Washington State in the early seventies and grew up the Northwestern United States. As a kid he spent countless hours drawing to stave off boredom, and drawing continues to play a dominant role in all his work. He became interested in the tradition of satire by looking through art books in the library and realizing that he was most attracted to prints with funny looking people in them. He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and Printmaking from Boise State University in 1996 and a Master of Fine Arts degree in Printmaking from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2000.
Scott lived in Spokane Washington for twelve years while working as a Professor at Whitworth University, and in 2012 he took a faculty position at Seattle Pacific University. He teaches a variety of courses including; Printmaking, Drawing, Design, New Media, and Contemporary Art History. His interests revolve around the study of culture, aesthetics, literature, film, and contemporary art. In his studio art work he is interested in the incorporation of new technologies into traditional art making strategies and mixing together elements from high and low culture. Scott exhibits his work locally, nationally, and in web-based formats.