Heavy Man Built To Spill (edited clips)
Heavy Man Built To Spill (edited clips)
Domestic Futility Cat Hair Toothbrush Documentation Clips 720
Domestic Futility Cat Hair Toothbrush Documentation Clips 720
Alley Kids 03 Clips
Alley Kids 03 Clips
Alley Kids Masks Documentation
Alley Kids Masks Documentation
Scott Kolbo Artist Statement
Scott Kolbo Artist Statement
Scott Kolbo Biography
Scott Kolbo Biography
Scott Kolbo Resume
Scott Kolbo Resume
Heavy Man Built To Spill (edited clips)Documentation of a single channel video projection over a charcoal and ink drawing. The video projection plays in a loop over the top of the static drawing mounted on the wall in a gallery space. Sound component of the piece plays through headphones or a sound isolation speaker. This is a series of clips from the longer piece, edited for faster viewing.
Domestic Futility Cat Hair Toothbrush Documentation Clips 720“Domestic Futility” was created by compositing together fragments of digital photographs, live footage, and animation. After the video files are completed they are projected onto large sheets of paper and static imagery is added that interacts with the moving projection.  The smaller monitor pieces are created in much the same way, but traditionally drawn Mylar layers are mounted over the top of the flat LCD screens. I enjoy the way that this process encourages me to explore new methods of mark making - and discourages me from becoming complacent in my drawing abilities. I also love the tension that is created when fuzzy and “cheap” digital elements interact with sharp and beautiful hand drawn marks. 
Alley Kids 03 ClipsDocumentation of a single channel video projection over a charcoal and ink drawing. The video projection plays in a loop over the top of the static drawing mounted on the wall in a gallery space.
Alley Kids Masks DocumentationDocumentation of a single channel video file played on a monitor with a charcoal and ink drawing mounted over the top. The video projection plays in a loop over the top of the static drawing and the monitor is mounted on the wall in a gallery space.
Scott Kolbo Artist Statement
Scott Kolbo Artist StatementMy current work focuses on creating humorous vignettes out of situations in which fragments of reality mix with exaggerated environments and grotesque characters. Much like a writer or filmmaker I have built up a set of reoccurring characters and environments that allow me to investigate some of the social, political, and ethical issues that confront private individuals and communities in contemporary society. For example “Heavy Man” is a sad-sack middle class man who mysteriously becomes spontaneously heavy when he interacts with some of the more troubling aspects of our culture. He breaks office chairs, falls through floors, and wanders around lost in a haze of doubt. Other characters allow me to explore issues related to harsh political rhetoric (the Escalation Project), ideological extremism (Jeremiah), homelessness and poverty (Inga), and how the human environment impacts the people who live in it - particularly children who left to their own devices in challenging urban environments (Alley Kids).My recent studio practice is focused on creating digitally manipulated animations that are projected over static wall drawings. I am attracted to the tension that is created when fuzzy and “cheap” digital elements interact with sharp and beautiful hand drawn marks. The digital elements in my prints, drawings, and hybrid video projections are constantly flickering and morphing, but in an indistinct and imprecise way that comments on our current predicament living in a world dominated by glowing screens. I also produce a number of works on paper, specifically drawings and prints. I have exhibited my work widely throughout the western United States, with a number national/international of exhibits and residencies included in my exhibition record. Most recently I have worked with the Curators of the Gallery 4Culture in Seattle Washington, the Oklahoma State University Museum of Art, and the Sheehan Gallery of Art at Whitman College. The works I have presented in these venues include traditional prints and drawings, as well as large-scale video projections and stand alone video monitor pieces. Many of the works presented in this proposal are available for solo or group exhibition opportunities, and I would be more than happy to discuss exhibiting pre-existing pieces or working on a new body of work that fits your curatorial program. 
Scott Kolbo Biography
Scott Kolbo BiographyScott Kolbo was born in Washington State in the early seventies and grew up the Northwestern United States. As a kid he spent countless hours creating comics, and drawing continues to play a dominant role in all his work. He became interested in the tradition of satire by looking through art books in the library and realizing that he was most attracted to prints with funny looking people in them. He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and Printmaking from Boise State University in 1996 and a Master of Fine Arts degree in Printmaking from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2000. Scott lived in Spokane Washington for twelve years while working as a Professor at Whitworth University, and in 2012 he took a faculty position at Seattle Pacific University. He teaches a variety of courses including; Printmaking, Drawing, Design, New Media, and Contemporary Art History. His interests revolve around the study of culture, aesthetics, literature, film, and contemporary art. In his studio art work he is interested in the incorporation of new technologies into traditional art making strategies and mixing together elements from high and low culture. Scott exhibits his work locally, nationally, and in web-based formats. 
Scott Kolbo Resume
Scott Kolbo Resume EDUCATION2000                        M.F.A.  University of Wisconsin-Madison: Printmaking and Drawing1996                        B.F.A.  Boise State University: Painting and Printmaking SELECTED SOLO/TWO PERSON EXHIBITIONS2014                        OUR ALLEY. Gallery4Culture. July 2014. Seattle WashingtonALLEY KIDS. Shoreline Community College Art Gallery. January 2014. Shoreline Washington2013                        ALLEY ARTIFACTS. Saranac Art Projects. May 2013. Spokane Washington 2012                        YOUNG PUNKS, OLD FOOLS. Seattle Pacific Art Center Gallery. Seattle Pacific University. Oct.-Dec. 2012. Seattle WashingtonESCALATION. Collaborative exhibit with Lance Sinnema. Saranac Art Projects. Spokane WashingtonTHE SPOKANE YEARS. Tinman Gallery. Spokane Washington2011                        SONIC MEDICINE. Spokane Falls Community College Fine Arts Gallery. Spokane Washington2010                        ERICKSON/KOLBO – NEW WORKS. Saranac Art Projects. Spokane WashingtonSMOKING RUIN. Washington State University Gallery II. Pullman WashingtonSCOTT KOLBO – COMIC STORIES. Carr Gallery, Idaho Falls Arts Commission. Idaho Falls, IdahoSTORIES. Corban College. Salem Oregon2009                        CONFOUNDED. Cannon Gallery of Art, Western Oregon University. Monmouth OregonOVERRIPE APPLE PIE. Two Person Exhibition with Meagan Stirling. Saranac Art Projects. Spokane Washington2007                        WANDERING – SINKING – BURNING…. PRINTS AND DRAWINGS. Cone Center Gallery, University of North Carolina – CharlotteA BUCK SHY. Two person exhibit with Howard Barlow. Lorinda Knight Gallery. Spokane, Washington2005                 THINGS BRIEFLY SEEN - SCOTT KOLBO AND KEVIN HAAS. Lorinda Knight Gallery, Spokane Washington2004                  MEAN TOWN. Huneke Gallery at the Spokane Art School, Spokane WashingtonCOLLABORATION. Two Person Exhibition with Gordon Wilson. Gallery 76, Wenatchee Valley Community College, Wenatchee          WashingtonCOLLABORATIVE DRAWINGS. Two Person Exhibition with Gordon Wilson. Chase Gallery, Spokane City Hall, Spokane WashingtonSCOTT KOLBO AND GORDON WILSON. Two person Exhibition. Esvelt Gallery, Columbia Basin College, Pasco Washington2002                  SEQUENTIAL NARRATIVES ABOUT STREET PREACHERS, HOMELESS WOMEN, SLAPSTICK COMEDY, STINKY FEET, AND A VERY LARGE TROJAN HORSE. Koehler Gallery, Whitworth College, Spokane Washington                         2000                  COME SEE THE SHOW. M.F.A. Thesis Exhibition. University of Wisconsin, Madison. Seventh Floor Gallery. Madison, WisconsinSEVEN TIMES IN THE RIVER. Solo Exhibition. Porter Butts Gallery, Madison, Wisconsin SELECTED GROUP/INVITATIONAL/JURIED EXHIBITIONS2015PIGMENT+PAPER. Bellevue College. Bellevue Washington. Curator: Margaret BullockANACORTES ARTS FESTIVAL FOCUS GALLERY. Anacortes Arts Festival. Anacortes Washington. 2014                        INK THIS: CONTEMPORARY PRINT ARTS IN THE NORTHWEST. Tacoma Art Museum. Tacoma Washington. Curator: Margaret BullockPRESENTER EXHIBITION. Yuma Art Center. Yuma Arizona. MONKEY BUSINESS. Seattle Community College. Seattle Washington.2013                        LATENT LIMINAL IMPROBABLE EXUBERANCE: FILMS BY GALA BENT, BRITTA JOHNSON, SCOTT KOLBO AND VIS-A-VISA SOCIETY. Rendezvous Jewlebox Theatre. Jan. 9, 2013. Seattle Washington SEATTLE PRINT ARTS MINATURE PRINT EXHIBITION. Columbia City Gallery, Seattle Washington.TAKE THREE: AN EVENING OF FILM, VIDEO,AND ANIMATION SHORTS. Northwest Film Forum. September 26th, 2013. Seattle Washington. OTHER/SELF. Anchor Space Gallery. June 2013. Anacortes, Washington.  2012                        BORDERS. Confluence Gallery. Twisp Washington2011                        Curiously Aligned:Contemporary Drawing Practices featuring Kris Hargis, Angela Katona-Batchelor, Scott Kolbo, MaLynda Poulsen, Cheryl Shurtleff, and Charles Timm-Ballard. Sheehan Gallery. Whitman College. Walla Walla WashingtonTWENTY UNDER FOURTY. Tinman Gallery. Spokane WashingtonFACULTY EXHBIT. Bryan Oliver Gallery. Whitworth University. Spokane Washington2010                      BLUEPRINTS. Saranac Art Projects. Spokane Washington2009                      NORTHWEST EMERGING ARTISTS: SEATTLE CITY LIGHT PORTABLE WORKS PART 1. Seattle Municipal Tower Gallery. Seattle WashingtonDWG: A LOOK AT CONTEMPORARY MARK MAKING. OHGE Ltd. Seattle WashingtonFIT TO PRINT: A PRINTMAKING INVITATIONAL. Peggy Lewis Gallery, Allied Arts of Yakima Valley. Yakima WashingtonEXHIBIT SPOKANE. Jundt Museum, Gonzaga University. Spokane WashingtonUNDER THE WIRE: GROUP EXHIBITION. Saranac Art Projects. Spokane Washington A HOUSE DIVIDED: THE LAGACY OF LINCOLN. Group invitational Exhibition. The Chase Gallery, Spokane City Hall, Spokane WashingtonBROKE. Group Invitational Exhibit. Clearstory Gallery, Spokane WashingtonARE YOU WHAT YOU EAT? Print Portfolio exhibition. John Ben Snow Memorial Trust Gallery, Reno, Nevada2008                       THE VANCOUVER PROJECT. Residency Exhibition. Fat Tiger Studio, 619 Ave. Western Arts Building. Seattle Washington19th NATIONAL DRAWING AND PRINT COMPETITIVE EXHIBITION. Gormley Gallery, College of Notre Dame of MarylandTERRAIN. Alternative Space Exhibition. The Vault, Spokane WashingtonEMBRACING THE GIFT. CIVA 2005 juried Exhibition. Azusa pacific University, Azusa California. Juror: James Stambaugh. ARE YOU WHAT YOU EAT? Print Portfolio exhibition. Pendleton Center for the Arts, Pendleton Oregon. Stevens Gallery, Whitman College, Walla Walla, WashingtonLOCALS. Spokane Falls Community College Gallery. Spokane Washington40 ARTISTS/40 PORTRAITS. Gallery One Visual Arts Center. Ellensburg, WashingtonARE WE THERE YET? Print Exchange Portfolio Exhibition. Southern Graphics Council Annual Conference 2008, Virginia Commonwealth University, VirginiaPRINTMATTERS. 5ive & 40urty Gallery, Winston - Salem North CarolinaIN HOUSE. Whitworth University faculty Exhibit. Koehler Gallery. Spokane, Washington  2006                  HONKY TONKS AND MNEMONIC: TO AID THE MEMORY. Centro Cultural Antiguo Colegio Jesuita, Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico Rik Nelson, Annon Nesse, Choling Taha, Scott Kolbo. Chase Gallery, City Hall, Spokane WashingtonBODY/BODY QUESTION PRINT EXCHANGE EXHIBITION. Southern Graphics Council Annual Conference 2006, Madison Wisconsin                 CROSSING GENE: AMERICAN AND KOREAN PRINTMAKING EXCHANGE EXHIBITION. Humanities Gallery, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison Wisconsin. Sun Contemporary Gallery, Seoul Gallery, KoreaPRINTMAKING. Boswell Hall Corner Gallery, North Idaho College, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho2005                  NORTH BANK ARTISTS COMMUNITY PROJECT. North Bank Gallery, Vancouver WashingtonLKG ARTISTS. Prichard Gallery, University of Idaho, Moscow IdahoFACULTY EXHIBIT. Whitworth University faculty Exhibit. Koehler Gallery. Spokane, Washington  2004                        DRAWN TO THE WALL II. Jundt Museum, Gonzaga University, Spokane WashingtonBEPPYU GALLERY EXHIBITION. Pacific City, OregonYMCA JACK, WILL, AND ROB CENTER EXHIBITION. Camas Oregon2003                NORTHWEST PRINT ARTISTS. Carnegie Art Center, Walla Walla WashingtonCANTINAS AND HONKEYTONKS PRINT EXCHANGE AND EXHIBITION. Taller Mestizarte Studios, Chicago Illinois. BREAD UPON THE WATERS. Christians in the Visual Arts traveling ExhibitionVISUAL ARTS CENTER EXHIBITION. Newport OregonPRINT EXHIBITION. Southern Oregon University, Ashland Oregon.18TH ANNUAL WORKS FROM THE HEART CONTEMPORARY ART EXHIBITION AND AUCTION. Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, Spokane WashingtonWHITWORTH COLLEGE FACULTY EXHIBITION 2003. Koehler Gallery, Whitworth College, Spokane WashingtonPAST AND PRESENT NORTHWEST: SELECTIONS FROM THE PERMANENT COLLECTION. Jundt Museum, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WashingtonGEORGE ROBERTS ALUMNI INVITATIONAL EXHIBITION. Boise State University, IDINLAND NORTHWEST PRINTMAKERS. Lorinda Knight Gallery. Spokane, WashingtonNORTHWEST PRINTMAKING EXHIBITION, WSU Vancouver, Vancouver Washington*ART RAGEOUS 2002 JURIED EXHIBITION. Cornerstone Festival, Cornerstone Farm, Bushnell IL. Award: Second Place. Juror: Nancy Hughes, Museum of Contemporary Religious Art at     St. Louis UniversityAMERICAS 2000 PAPER WORKS COMPETITION. Northwest Art Center, Minot State University, Minot, North Dakota. Juror: Cynthia Osborne15TH PARKSIDE NATIONAL SMALL PRINT EXHIBITION. Juried Exhibition,University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, Wisconsin. Juror: Warrington Colescott and Frances MyersSEPTEMBER 11 MEMORIAL PORTFOLIO. American Print Alliance Traveling Exhibition17TH ANNUAL WORKS FROM THE HEART CONTEMPORARY ART EXHIBITION AND AUCTION. Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, Spokane Washington2001                  NORTHWEST PRINT COUNCIL'S 20TH ANNIVERSARY SHOW. Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland Oregon3rd ANNUAL SMALL ARTWORKS INVITATIONAL. Art Spirit Gallery, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho * 28th BRADLEY NATIONAL PRINT AND DRAWING EXHIBITION. Peoria, Illinois. Award: Best of Show, Printmaking, Juror: Mark Pascale* PRINTS USA. Springfield Art Museum, Springfield, Missouri. Cash Award: Juror: Daniel Perisol, Curator of Prints and Drawings, New Orleans Museum of Art14TH PARKSIDE NATIONAL SMALL PRINT EXHIBITION. Juried Exhibition, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, Wisconsin. Juror: Beauvais Lyons NORTHWEST PRINT COUNCIL NEW MEMBERS 2001 EXHIBITION. Northwest Print Council Gallery, Portland OregonFACULTY EXHIBIT 2001. Koehler Gallery, Whitworth College, Spokane WashingtonRAW SPACE ARTIST ORGANIZED EXHIBITION. City Terminal Gallery, Spokane Washington2000                  2nd ANNUAL SMALL ARTWORKS INVITATIONAL. Art Spirit Gallery, Coeur d’Alene, IdahoPRINT PLAGUE. Graduate StudentPrintmaking Exhibition. 734 University Gallery, Madison Wisconsin2000 PACIFIC STATES BIENNIAL NATIONAL PRINT EXHIBITION. Juried Exhibit. University of Hawaii, Hilo                    LAGRANGE NATIONAL XXI EXHIBITION.  Biennial Juried Exhibition. Chattahoochee Valley Art Museum, La Grange GeorgiaWHAT IS DRAWING NOW? A National Exhibition.  Weber State University, Ogden Utah21st ANNUAL PAPER IN PARTICULAR NATIONAL EXHIBITION. Columbia College, Columbia Missouri13TH PARKSIDE NATIONAL SMALL PRINT EXHIBITION. Juried Exhibition, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, Wisconsin. Juror: Art Weger 1999                PRE-MILLENNIUM CREATIONS. Student Art Show, Madison Wisconsin27th BRADLEY NATIONAL PRINT AND DRAWING EXHIBITIONGRAPHICS: RECENT WORK BY U.W.-MADISON GRADUATE STUDENTS. Winona State University, Winona, MinnesotaFRAMELESS 99. Works On Paper National Juried Exhibition, Southeastern Community College, Whiteville, North CarolinaPUSHING THE ENVELOPE. National Student Printmakers Portfolio Exchange, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona WORK IN PROGRESS, SOUTHERN GRAPHICS COUNCIL GRADUATE STUDENT EXHIBITION. Arizona State University2.0: SECOND YEAR GRADUATE STUDENT REVIEW. University of Wisconsin-Madison1998                  PRINTMAKING EXHIBITION. Tyler School of Art, Temple UniversityTRIAL SIZE. First year graduate review, University of Wisconsin-MadisonLAGNIAPPE 2. PRINT PORTFOLIO EXCHANGE AND EXHIBITION. Louisiana State University*  Denotes awards or purchases PERMANENT COLLECTIONSWashington State Art CollectionCity Lights Portable Works. City of Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural AffairsBoise State University. Boise IdahoUniversity of Wisconsin Student Union. Madison WisconsinJundt Museum. Gonzaga University, Spokane WashingtonWhitman College, Walla Walla Washington TEACHING EXPERIENCE2012 - Present   ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR: Seattle Pacific University, Seattle Washington2000 - 2012         ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR: Whitworth University, Spokane Washington2004-2005            ARTIST TEACHER: Union Institute and University Vermont College. MFA in Visual Art Program1999-2000            TEACHING ASSISTANT: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Drawing 2. Instructor of Record 1998-1999            TEACHING ASSISTANT: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Drawing 1. Instructor of Record  PROFESSIONAL SERVICE              2013-2014SEATTLE PRINT ARTS, Board of Directors and Secretary. 2004-2011LOOP PRESS DIRECTOR: NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS GRANT PROJECT DIRECTORMaster printer of fine art printmaking pressCoordinating and working with visiting artistsCommunity liaison2002-2010            GALLERY DIRECTOR, WHITWORTH UNIVERSITYInstallation and curatorial dutiesDesign and publication of promotional materialsCoordination of visiting artist lectures and selection of exhibitions2000-2012               WHITWORTH ART COMMITTEECo-Author of Whitworth University Art PolicyAcquisition and Placement of Artwork on Campus PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES2014                             VISITING ARTIST. Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, Oklahoma. September 2014. Collaborative drawing workshop and LectureWHAT MASK DO YOU WEAR? The J. Paul Getty Museum of Art. August 2014. Small linoleum relief used in public educational activities. DOEL REED CENTER FOR THE ARTS VISITING ARTIST. June 2014.  Public lecture and demonstration. Taos New Mexico.ANIMATION WORKSHOP LEADER. Shoreline Community College. Shoreline Washington. January 25th, 2014PRESENTER. Yuma Symposium. Yuma Arizona. February 20 - 23rd, 20142013                             VISITING ARTIST. University of Oregon. Eugene Oregon.PANEL DISCUSSION. Visualizing Stories: A Conversation with Randy Bolton, Mita Mahato, and Scott Kolbo. University of Puget Sound. Tacoma Washington. November 4, 20132012                             VISITING ARTIST. Sheehan Gallery. Whitman College. Walla Walla WashingtonVISITING ARTIST AND PRINTMAKING PROGRAM REVIEWER. Kendall College. Grand Rapids Michigan. 2011                             LECTURE. “Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction.” Society for Photographic Education Northwest Regional Conference 2011. Spokane WashingtonWORKSHOP LEADER. Inland Northwest Craft Warnings. Spokane WashingtonVISITING ARTIST. Spokane Falls Community College. Spokane Washington2010                             VISITING ARTIST. Western Oregon University. Monmouth OregonCOLLABORATIVE WORKSHOP LEADER. Corban College. Salem OregonWORKSHOP LEADER. Idaho Falls Arts Commission. Idaho Falls, IdahoSTATE OF THE VISUAL ARTS SYMPOSIUM LEADER. Saranac Art Projects, Spokane Washington2008                             BY/FOR ARTISTS RESIDENCY CO-DIRECTOR. Vancouver B.C.2007                             VISITING ARTIST. University of North Carolina, Charlotte2005-2011        NORTHWEST MUSEUM OF ART AND CULTURE ART COMMITTEE MEMBER2005                      CIVA SUMMER WORKSHOP INSTRUCTOR. Gordon College, Wenham Massachusetts2004                      STUDENT EXHIBITION JUROR AND VISITING ARTIST Columbia Basin College, Richland WA1999                      NON-TOXIC LITHOGRAPHY DEMONSTRATION AND VISITING ARTIST LECTURE. Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. Milwaukee, WI1998                      PRINTERS ASSISTANT: Tandem Press, Madison Wisconsin1996                      PRINTMAKING LAB ASSISTANT: Boise State University  AWARDS2015                GRANTS FOR ARTIST PROJECTS. Washington Artists Trust G.A.P. Grant (with Lance Sinnema). 2014                      SMESLER VALLION VISITING ARTIST RESIDENCY. Doel Reed Center for the Arts. Taos New Mexico.2013                      FACULTY RESEARCH GRANT. Seattle Pacific University.  2011                      CONTEMPORARY NORTHWEST ART AWARDS SECOND ROUND FINALST: Portland Art Museum – Juror: Bonnie Laing Malcomson2005                      OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD FOR FACULTY: Whitworth University2004                      NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS GRANT: LOOP PRESS2003                      Dean’s Award for Junior Faculty Achievement: Whitworth University2000                    PEW YOUNGER SCHOLARS GRADUATE SUMMER FELLOWSHIP1997                    W.A.R.F. FELLOWSHIP: University of Wisconsin-Madison1996                      DEPARTMENTAL SCHOLARSHIP: Boise State University1996                      PURCHASE AWARD: Boise State University Permanent Collection PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONSSeattle Print Arts College Art AssociationSouthern Graphics CouncilWashington Artist Trust                             REVIEWS/ARTICLES/CATALOGS2014                         IMAGE JOURNAL. Review of artwork and images. “As Far as the Curse is Found” Written by Cameron Anderson.  2013                          ROCK & SLING: A JOURNAL OF WITNESS. Images and artist’s statements in Journal. Rock and Sling Journal. Issue 8.1 Spring 2013.CIVA SOURCEBOOK 2013-14. Christians in the Visual Arts publication. Images and Juror Statement. Spring 2013. 2012                          REDNECK FASCIST HIPSTER PINKOS. Article and Image. By Leah Sottile. “The Pacific Northwest Inlander.” February 22, 2012.2009                    WITH EANEST JEST. Images and artist’s statements in Journal. Ruminate Magazine: Literary Arts Journal. Issue # 14.2007                    PRINTS PACK A PUNCH: EXHIBITION PUT TOGETHER BY SALEM PROFESSOR PRESENTS PROVOCATIVE COMMENTARIES ON A VARIETY OF HOT TOPICS. Winston-Salem Journal, July 29th, 20072004                   DRAWN TO THE WALL II. Exhibition catalog essay. By Frances DeVuono2003                   THE CHANGING FACE OF SCHOLARSHIP AT WHITWORTH. Short article where I was featured as an artist and printer for the Loop Press at Whitworth College. By Greg Orwig. “Whitworth Today”, pg. 15, Spring 2003   ALL THE LONELY PEOPLE. Article and Image. By Sheri Boggs, “The Pacific Northwest Inlander”. January 31, 2002AREA PRINTMAKERS SHOW OFF TECHNIQUES. By Julianne Crane, “The Spokesman Review”, Life Section, May 2, 2002.POLYESTER PLATE LITHOGRAPHY. Back Cover Image and Contributing Information. Instructional Manual by George F. Roberts, Professor of Printmaking at Boise State University. 2001, Writers Press, Boise, Idaho
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